The North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education issues Star ratings to qualifying child care centers and family child care homes. The Anson County Partnership for Children provides early childhood professionals in our community services and training to help them attain, increase, and maintain their facilities' Star ratings. Members of the Partnership's staff provide training and assistance at its offices and in the field, recommend and deliver developmentally appropriate materials for use in child care facilities, and promote young children's issues in our community and the importance of quality child care in the community..

Technical Assistance
Staff members provide guidance on such things as learning environments, Star rating scales, daily schedules, health, discipline, diapering, room arrangements, activities, sanitation, safety, health, behavior, and professional development - with the goal of enhancing the quality of care that children receive. Learn More

Regional Specialists
Early education programs may access free services through our Region 5 Child Care Resource & Referral service:
Infant & Toddler Enhancement Project
Promoting Healthy Social Behaviors Project
School-Age Quality Improvement Project
Professional Development
Early childhood professionals may work together with members of the Partnership's staff to formulate a plan to guide their careers and help them progress in their professional development. Learn More

T.E.A.C.H. Scholarships
A variety of T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood scholarships are available in North Carolina. For more information, contact a counselor by phone at 919.967.3272 or visit the application website.

Raising a Reader
This program engages participants in shared family reading by providing them with a sturdy red bag filled with high-quality, developmentally appropriate books every week and offering family involvement workshops. Learn how to bring Raising a Reader to your child care facility: Learn More
Tools for successfully engaging family leaders in ways that are authentic and powerful. Learn More